Be part of REDUCING poverty in ASIA
It’s a well known fact that there is a large gap in living standards between the west and developing countries, but it is often difficult to know what can be done, at an individual level, to make an impact.
Our charities work creates opportunity, and provides hope and skills for Asia’s future: its children and families. We support families to build a better future in a country that is one of the poorest and least developed in the world.
With severe drought frequently hitting the country, some of Asia’s children face starvation, and many face malnutrition, extreme hardship and poor health. We are a registered charity in the UK our service delivery programs and extremely kind donation help support families across this region.
CAG Education in Asia
Despite progress that has been made to close gender gaps in education, girls still constitute approximately 54 per cent of children out of school worldwide. Education, particularly in the fast growing field of science and technology, can become a key tool to empower women and girls to demand their rights and realize their full potential. Science and technology presents a vast amount of opportunities for girls and women to obtain decent work; however obvious barriers are visible between those who have access to information and communication technology and those who do not. To try and readdress this issue the CAG and its overseas partners has operated a training centre in Pakistan to train and empower families out of poverty.
CAG has applied its knowledge and expertise in developing of real programmes that make a difference to the affected people. This has had a fantastic success and CAG will continue to support these and other programmes in this area.
Community Aid Distribution
CAG was happy to help 1700 people with food parcels the group packaged cooking oil and a month’s supplies to sustain the poor through this difficult period